My Year of Seclusion

At work in my home studio

At work in my home studio

I began the summer last year with more than a bit of doubt in my heart. Since we moved to the Okanagan, I had been sharing studio space in downtown Kelowna. I had two great studio mates, I went to work in the beautiful Rotary Centre for the Arts, and most importantly, I had a purpose every morning when I got out of bed- GET TO WORK.

Over the last year at the Centre, I lost my last studio mate and really started struggling with my reason to work there. I was shouldering the rent on my own now. I had found a young grad from ACAD that could help me out a couple times a month with some things in the studio. The only issue was that I really needed help in my HOME studio- where I do all of my casting for production work. Also, that rent that I was paying would be much better spent paying Anna. SO…. when our rent contract was ready to be renewed, I listened to my gut, shut out the fear and decided to make the change. I moved everything into my home studio.

The big fear was based on several things. Would I actually get to work everyday?? Would I decided to just watch cooking and home reno shows instead?? Would I miss seeing other people during the day?? Would I actually keep making jewelry or be so unmotivated and bored by it that I would turn into a painter?? Or worse, just stay in my PJ's and slip into an uncreative dead zone?

Now with hindsight I see how great that decision was. I'm actually working with less distractions throughout my day. Anna has become a great help and I look forward to the day that she comes in to help. It makes me get organized too! I've had a very creative year and feel re-energized and motivated. But the biggest and most surprising thing - WINDOWS. I had NO idea how that would make such a difference to my day. For 13 years I worked in a basement studio in Edmonton, and then the last five years in an upstairs studio with no windows. Now, I am surrounded by natural light and the most amazing view. I will never take for granted how that change in perspective throughout my day can change my mood and make me think of bigger and broader things. It also reminds me that the best things change brings can't be anticipated. THOSE are the little surprises that can make a year go from being good to being great. 


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